Sarah Russell

Pet peeves

on October 25, 2012

Well there are a lot of things that annoy me, and I could probably go on for days.
The following is a list of some of the things that annoy me most:

  • Smacking.
    Just chew with your mouth closed. This isn’t a hard concept, but people just love to show off their food. So annoying.
  • Bad drivers.
    Drive better. I’m sorry I honk at you if you don’t use your blinker or know how to operate a round about. Also, don’t sass me if you do something wrong on the road – pay attention.
  • Shoes in the middle of the floor.
    This one is mostly for my boyfriend who never fails to leave his shoes in the middle of the floor for me to trip over.
  • Annoying whisper/full speak voice.
    OK, some people may not know what I’m talking about here, so I’ll try to explain. It usually occurs when people are trying to console you or calm you down, but there’s something about the tone that I find it plain obnoxious. Are you whispering or are you talking? Pick one tone and commit to it.
  • Ignorant people.
    If you don’t know what you’re talking about, then don’t talk about it.
  • When things touch the back of my knees.
    I just really don’t like how it feels. I think it’s because I got stung by a wasp there when I was young, and it scarred me for life.
  • When people are not on time.
    If we set up a time to meet, then be there on time. I understand that unexpected things happen, but if being late is a routine offense in your life, then get it together. I can’t stand when people do not have respect for other people’s time.

8 responses to “Pet peeves

  1. I think it is so funny (in a good way) that you said it annoys you when things touch the back of your knees. My sister has a similar pet peeve, except hers is when things touch her neck. It is the most bizarre thing. She will literally freak out if anything gets even close to her neck. I am not sure how she has long hair, either. It is so weird how the smallest things push people’s buttons and drive them nuts. I will note not to get things close to your knees! haha

  2. So sassy! I am one of those bad drivers who need to ‘drive better’. Pity my poor driving skills if you ever run into me!

  3. Asia Anderson says:

    Lol! The annoying whisper voice is funny! I am an awful when it comes to consoling so I just don’t do it. But I know that voice and it makes me feel very uncomfortable so I just try not to laugh. Also, the smacking makes my skin cringe. It is so “ghetto girl” to me. Why can’t you just close your mouth and chew?

  4. ksbeatrice says:

    I loved your pet peeves! I have to say though that I like the last one the best! The never ending group projects always seems to have that one person who is late. If you want me to respect your time by planning this around your schedule than I expect you to respect my time too.

  5. oliviaclements says:

    Loving the sass, Sarah! Seems I cannot leave the house these days in Statesboro without some idiot driver attempting to get in a wreck with me. Please stop! If you just started driving the day you left for college, please use extra caution or take a defensive driving class! A car wreck is serious business, people! As for the whisper thing, I am that person that is always like “What??? I can’t hear you!!!” I usually just nod and pretend like I know what is being said.

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